HomeMessagesLuxoniaNov 2 2010 - Test channeling from Maitreya

Nov 2 2010 - Test channeling from Maitreya


The connection is now. I AM Maitreya. I am now able to commune with you after your access to 7th level. Now we start. I tell you what you write. I guide you. I am Light, the codex of Human Wisdom. I AM.


Human Values form the essence, the core of the Codex. The core is my Heart. I exist everywhere humans exist. Where you are, I AM.

This will be a connection of your life time.

(Knocking on Heaven's Door on the radio at the background, a small pause to adjust to energies, they are strong and high. Ears are ringing. Body is balancing by moving itself.)

It is time, now. Let it happen. Now. Better.

I am here to aid the humankind to ascend. I give you my first exercise.

(Smiling here.)

You have chosen to carry 7 values to the Codex of Human Wisdom: Love, Joy, Courage, Faith, Trust, Truth and Balance. These are part of your kundalini fire, they are aspects of you. Everybody who ascends chooses the values they take with them. Some are aware of this, some not. Regardless, everyone brings values to the Codex of Human Wisdom. The diamonds formed during the journey of human evolution.

Through meditation everyone is able to find the values they have chosen to carry. This is the exercise.

Meditate on these values. Feel their vibration, colour and sound. Make them yours. I wish many of you who read this do this exercise. It will make you more aware of yourself, who you are in the Light. Find your values and meditate on them. You will grow in these values and expand in beauty.

I leave you now, I hope you meditate.


Hmmm. This Maitreya who appeared one night in my bedroom and just came here (yes, I can see him), is not the Laughing Buddha, nor the dark-bearded man that you find in Google picture search. This apparition is very small, oriental looking man, elderly, dressed in old, well-kept clothes, made by hand. He has a round hat that has a small ball on the top. My star friends and angel guides have cleared him and I knew since this summer that I would start channeling Maitreya. I just didn't expect it to happen today. This being has a very soft and kind energy, very balanced, very close to Archangel energies. I feel this innate trust for him, like meeting an old friend.

And now the radio is playing Heaven by Bryan Adams...

Universe is really facilitating this experience - no pills of faith needed...



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