HomeMessagesMari Metatronica - The Book of OnenessSep 14 2017 - Preparing Responsibility Twine to a Reality of One Truth

Sep 14 2017 - Preparing Responsibility Twine to a Reality of One Truth


Channeled by Mari Metatronica (elvisavislivehologram.blogspot.fi)
September 14, 2017

The first portion of the Book of Oneness has been written.

We electrify the portal, we twine Michael to his number one pair, we plant operatives to the tower twine, we transmute forcefully, as cleansing, fear-based, out-dated masculinity to a rolling wave of World order of Light that we have made. Our operatives, in their responsibilities, spell light codes to the portal.

We support growing up as cleansing of emotion levels, as bold closing of buckles of the straps of your consciousness saddles. Nuances of Reality lulling can you freely examine in everything around you: in change and upheaval. Bodily transformation waves pulsing, as frequencies rise, will be guided in the evolution of safety, power, to readinesses to evolution forms filling your skins. Celebrative, enlightened, responsible masculinity will be achieved.

Our manifestation, twined in the plan, is not possible in a falling old reality. We support and ask you to step in to the grand, the purest path of making real the Realm of Light. The bridge has been built. New Earth is ready. You are ready. We will win the opened from your suits, to be saluted, reformed operatives of truth and trust to our love filled path very quickly. Allow passage for my poetry to the paths of your heart. You will be able to us; the hiding, forms demanding reacting to, magnificent grand essences of the hologram rose – including yourselves – clearly to perceive.

The rush from the Book of Oneness will move to the Book of Experiences. We will still return to bring performances to twine power and understanding. Examine without prejudice phenomena and their truth bases in deflating, bursting bubbles, with love and without judgement.

I am the guide of your evolution, escort to your magnificence.

- Metatron, Ēl Vis a Vis, at your eye-level after the time of soot. We come and you come. The achieved, magnificent phase is present.



The responsibility of the new intertwined Metatronica group as souls is to ignite to the power of that magnifient group in the tapestry, deal with the rush as master of light upgrades, as is guided in the heart.

As doubter one hinders those purely supported. As reluctant to many supported, presented subjects, to our lines of information, it is not your mission to renew by plan to our rainbow spectrum here. You feel the resonance, forward aspiring hunger of knowledge when you acknowledge the agreement of your soul.

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