Reassessing, Redirecting & Resetting
Before I juice you up with any of the hope-dope…aka, those rainbows and butterflies that always seem just slightly out of reach…keep in mind that we are still integrating (tho at the tail end of) the energies of the recent equinox (3/21/11) where soon after you may have fallen into another (very) deep well of universal funk where NOthing feels even remotely good.
The equinoxes are never an "easy" time, but this most recent integration period may have felt especially oppressive. We've also had to be extra vigilant so as not to get attached to the energies of anxiety, depression, frustration and hopelessness that have been haplessly splashing around in the ethers, each independently vying for our attention.
In March, we could definitely feel pressure building... no doubt we were being stretched to our full capacity, both in our personal lives and in the collective. The universal slingshot was slowly pulling us back, preparing to launch us into our new lives. We could hear the squeaking of elastic as the band around us stretched to its maximum potential (definitely thinking Angry Birds™ here)…and then….just when we were mentally prepared to be flung into the stratosphere: SNAP!…the elastic broke and we fell flat in the mud. (Compliments of Saturn with a side of Mercury retrograde)
Ring…Ring. Mother-Father God is calling again….this time to say: sike.
Yep, we fell off the ride AAAAgain and that can only mean one thing: time to go within AAAAgain.
I don't know about you, but I am so over myself that I can't spend one more minute "within", without dying of boredom or blowing a gasket. We have spent so many years alone with ourselves, "remembering who we really are", that its now bordering on self-indulgent. I mean seriously much of ourselves can we really take? It's comical really, that everywhere we go, there we are. We. just. can't. get. away. from ourselves...and no matter how "ready" to move on we "think" we are, there are always forces at work that seem to know us better.
On one level we are so ready to turn our energy outward that we are wearing out the carpet with our pacing, yet we are simultaneously so tired of being a sloppy mess. Inwardly, we are warriors…no doubt. But what good is all that inner-strength and mastery if we still can't even make it to the post office without a nap?
Never mind, just B R E A T H E for the moment. We are still in the birth canal heaving thru the swells of contractions in preparation to give birth to our new selves. It hurts, but the pressure and discomfort is the precipitating force needed to launch us into our new lives.
(re)Setting the Stage
It's way more than obvious that we are ready to dive head-first into our new lives, however, the unseens are making it clear to me that this is exactly what we are being protected from. We are still (and momentarily) being safeguarded by some over-protective celestial forces that are providing (read: smothering) us with the structure, discipline, sobriety, balance and coordination required to walk gracefully into our new lives, heart-first, and with some form of defined realism.
As much as I have been tempted to melt down over this...fighting the urge to tank daily over another round of stillness…ultimately I know this is a good thing, and so do you. We have been chomping at the bit for so ungodly long (coupled with all this cracked-out, fiery Aries energy) that if the gates swung open without some form of celestial restraint, we would all run right into traffic.
The new energy is SCREAMing at us to get moving, to free ourselves from the ties that bind us, to embrace our inner-visionary and apply ourselves in some way...but at the same time we are being asked to be absolutely SURE that we leave all our baggage behind, screw our heads on straight, plant our feet firmly on the ground, and let our hearts lead the way. Unfortunately, this just amounts to drag racing with the emergency brake on.
This new wave of (love) energy that is here now, bubbling just beneath the surface, is what the unseens call "forward movement of unparalleled proportion... a mass shift that is propelling the pioneers to the fore, those souls who have practiced for this role for ages." This month may not be easy or fun, but overall it does feels like a demarcation…the month that separates us from our past and liberates us to experience the rewards of many years, decades & lifetimes of uncompromising fortitude.
The Reset Button
The incoming tide that is flooding our new foundation is comprised of many new elements by which most of us are now well adjusted to, and well suited for. This new energy, which will be felt more keenly when Mercury goes direct, is not only the energy of physical action, but an energy that ensures that forward movement is inspired by, and aligned with, the highest good...a force that can only be activated thru the reconnection and integration of head and heart.
Those who are completing the reconnection phase are in the process of being reset, so to speak. This reset button only becomes viable when the soul provides access to the divine blueprint for the human vessel to embody... and this becomes possible when the human energy field and biology are purified of fear-based energies, the process which completes the transition from mortal human to divine human. This means that any remaining fears that are blocking our forward movement into the life of our dreams will be up for review/reset during this retrograde cycle.
"The switch from mortal to divine human is an internal switch that precipitates an external metamorphosis. This process is currently underway for some... to the likes of which many will begin to notice. As you further integrate the energies brought forth by the recent new moon (4/3/11), so too will you begin to embody the physical changes. The changes will be subtle, but noticeable, and will grow to eventually be witnessed by others as a complete transformation. Look for changes in your physical form as indicators of this truth, that the process of transfiguration has begun." - Seven Sisters of Pleiades
Once our reset button has been pushed, all those aspects of fear, or separation-based consciousness morph, or dissolve into the interconnected field of oneness. Kinda like we will be switching from AM to FM and once tuned in we will no longer have access to the frequency range of the prior bandwidth.
We are resetting our personal energy field to "tune into" the unity timeline which is enabling us to tap into our expanded potential. This space of greater potential offers us a firmer resolve, a broader acceptance of what's possible and an unwavering surety that we have never experienced before. This surety comes from being plugged in and turned on…plugged into our true power-Source so the light within us can shine with full radiance.
"Once the internal flame within casts its glow without, you are truly free. This is what is transpiring over the course of this month…a reconnection, an expansion, a greater awareness and a new resolve." -Seven Sisters of Pleiades
Embodying Our Blueprint
"For those aligned with the new timeline of unity consciousness, you will find that the moments before you are suddenly expanding in "time". This shift will create great warps or bends in time that will allow for the eternalness of each moment to be accessed from within physical form. This creative potential has never been realized for humanity." -Seven Sisters of Pleiades
The purpose of becoming a fully divine-human is to merge the physical with the spiritual…to reconnect the left and right hemispheres of the brain so that the human biology operates within the context of the spiritual blueprint. This blueprint, which is the roadmap for our human incarnation, contains the information required for a soul to live a human life…it's the control center, or central mainframe, which houses each of our YOUnique pieces for the collective human puzzle.
Throughout the month of April, more of our YOUniqueness will be surfacing…to the extent that each of us will be able to home in on and clearly direct or redirect our lives to align more fully with the potential contained within our divine blueprint. This potential has always been the guiding force in our lives, however, as the veil thins and we become more conscious of our individual destinies as cocreators, these blueprints will change from "the guiding force" to "our self-created plan for living".
This switch is subtle, but powerful…it clicks our soul plan in first place, reorients all our desires from head to heart and adjusts our internal compass to follow the path of our highest good without our conscious participation. It hooks us into the effortless stream of creation which enables us to live fully from the space of NOW, the (zero) point central to our full manifestation capabilities.
Access to this (zero) point is paramount to our success as allows us to merge fully with our divinity, in human form, and bring forth the gifts and treasures of ascended living into the dimensions of physicality. You may already be noticing some of these new divine gifts popping thru the veil as of the equinox…things like increasing intuition with stunning accuracy that is also heralding a new-found sense of confidence and trust in your abilities…you may suddenly awaken to new clairs, increased telepathy, prophetic dreams, the ability to see or read auras, etc. These are just some of the new toys we will get to play with beginning this new (astrological) year.
Coming Out
In addition to new, or more developed spiritual gifts, you may also be bumping up against a renewed sense of self that is beginning to emerge...especially with regard to the social world and how people relate to us. This new energy is attracting people/places/situations by which we are able to express our divine selves more fully and allow ourselves to be seen in a more authentic way. This takes a bit of getting used to after the many years of safeguarding our truth and not being able to fully share ourselves with those around us, but the energy has changed now and we are being called to take another step out and adjust to the social world again, albeit from a higher-dimensional vantage point.
Our time is now, or fast approaching, and the leader in each of us is officially coming out. Our personal energy fields are beginning to open to the outside world again and so you may find that people suddenly seem unusually interested in you or what you have to share, and may even ask questions about your unique perspectives.
On a personal level I witnessed this first hand last week during the passing and funeral service of my beloved aunt when I was surrounded by mostly religious people who, despite my desire to blend into the furniture, were hellbent on (what felt like) accosting me with questions about "what I do for a living". Because I had spent the last 6 years safely avoiding those questions (for the most part) I was completely unprepared to answer them…and it showed.
But to my surprise, most of these religious folk (save for the few bible thumps) were delightfully open and genuinely curious about my train of thought. And even tho behind the smiles were some off-putting snarls in defense of a coveted be-lie-f system, somehow a (heart) connection between us gracefully emerged…not in the theological sense, tho we did find some commonality there, but in the sense that each of us were actively seeking a connection…a way to relate to each other as opposed to searching for the ways in which we were different, or separate.
This was eye-opening for me and happened so many times over the course of two weeks that I knew something was different. The overwhelming interest in me or what I had to say was so over-the-top in comparison to times past when I have literally been invisible, that I was completely convinced I was being punked. But the truth is, we ARE different now…and so is the world…and because on some level we are ready to offer ourselves, we are now broadcasting those signals... and because people are ready to open their minds a little bit more, they are picking up our signals and even starting to tune into our wavelength.
Our Next, First Step
We are, right now, in a potent passageway between our past and future. Our karmic wheels have finally lost their spin, but before we jump off with the ability to go ANYwhere we desire, we need to take a good look around. We need to be sure we didn't overlook or avoid anything that is blocking our full potential or disabling our ability to express ourselves freely and authentically.
Saturn will probably do the dirty work of poking at our triggers and pushing all our karmic buttons this month, but just to be absolutely sure there is no emotional charge left in us. In other words, don't only prepare to be tested, expect it. That way there are no surprises and we can objectively honor the great teacher's job to reflect our weaknesses back to us, just so we can become stronger and more resilient.
The new moon in Aries (that we are still reeling from) released us from our past and is offering us the opportunity to not only solidify the foundation to our new beginnings, but to check for any cracks before we build steadily upon them. Any cracks in our foundation will arise from unsteadiness of lingering fears and doubts about what we think is possible.
The stillness and celestial restrictions we feel this month will be very valuable and will provide us with the ability to choose love over fear in every unresolved situation that springs forth into our awareness. If we can embrace this process and understand the blessing contained within it, we have the opportunity to completely transform and move into an entirely new way of living and loving.
If there are wayward elements, we must re-solve them. The rest of this month will provide us with every possible opportunity to accomplish that.
Before we take our next, first step as new-humans, we must reassess everything, tweak our goals, clarify our new sense of purpose and align as fully as possible with our limitless potential to truly be, do and have all that our hearts desire.
If that seems like a lot to do in only a few short weeks, add to that the compression of time which translates a few short weeks into tomorrow morning, or maybe even yesterday ; ))
See you in the stillness...AAAAgain.
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