Lets face it...based on societal standards (and even our own standards at times)...we are freaks.
And not just because we live our lives according to some invisible promise of a better world, but because we have have been hibernating like hermits for what seems like eternity...holed up like badgers, watching dozens of seasons go by so we could disconnect from every possible 3d dimensional reality matrix steeped in fear & limitation. And yes this certainly meant letting go of our old perceptions of reality which included: friends, foes, family, jobs, homes, careers, and any other lower dimensional entanglement that we found ourselves tripping over...and all for the purpose of splaying our insides out for the relentless examination of karmic goo.
The end result?
Well, if we weren't before, we are now TOTAL societal misfits.
Realistically, its not like we ever really fit into (or even wanted to fit into) the mainstream prior to our personal evolution process, but now it seems close to impossible to relate to the world outside of our self-created and hypersensitive bubbles. (definitely thinking: John Travolta, 1976 "Boy in the Bubble" here)
The irony is that for those who have come full circle and are gearing up to begin new lives, there is a slow growing desire and deep seated longing to connect with others again...to be part of the global community and to contribute to the world in real action-based ways. Yet this desire can also simultaneously translate into feeling very raw, vulnerable and worrisome as we venture out into society or to try to relate to others after living so long in isolation. (yep...very Tom Hanks-ish in "Cast Away" : ))
For the last decade or so, we've been completely re-sensitized to the subtly of physical, emotional, mental & spiritual sensation, stripped of all pretense and nonessentials, X-rayed by the light of our inner truth, and now...just like newborns... we are facing the severity and harshness of the 3d world as we sliver out of our metamorphic cocoons... fresh with our new wings, but unable to fully fly. This sensitive time of transition can amount to feeling prey to the outside world, tho luckily, this is only temporary as we continue to ground deeper into our authenticity and power, inching our way into our very new and very FULL lives.
The Urge to Merge
Clearly, this an odd time. Luckily, we invented odd, but some light-workers, star-seeds and in particular, the way-showers/path-pavers are beginning to feel the urge to merge with the rest of the world again...to get back to living and implementing our dreams in physical ways, with our new level awareness, and to build the new earth with our newly developed tools of the trade. The joke is that...as usual...the physical has not completely aligned to support these increasing desires which can leave us feeling, if anything...terrified.
But there is a point to this. This month we will have the ability to get clearer, to hone our skills and test our new tools before we fully put them into action. February is offering us the ability to find our footing and stabilize ourselves in our new space, tie up loose ends, reconnect with our purpose and to prepare ourselves fully for the coming equinox which will catapult us into the stratosphere.
If you have, in any way, been testing the waters by acting on the subtle impulses to reconnect with the outside world..and especially if you have a role to play as a bridger (one who will be going back to work with the mainstream in some way) it can be a confusing time. This is mostly because we are not 100% there yet, but also because we worked so hard to disconnect, detach and remove ourselves from the chaos of the 3D polarity matrix (the majority of society) and now that we have come full circle on the upward spiral of evolution, we are being guided to get back in it!
Much of the confusion and anxiety circling us right now has to do with this discrepancy...the feeling that its time to move forward, to merge with our outer world, to do something or go somewhere, but with NO IDEA where or what that is. Energetically speaking, our new lives are so close to us now that we are literally nose to nose with our heartfelt dreams. And tho we can't yet see it, we can feel this new life as it is literally enlivening each and every cell of our bodies while creating great surges of excitement and tantalizing anticipation... and of course coupled with feeling completely burned-out and depleted.
This vacillation period is normal and temporary as we continue to anchor into the earth...like a plane coming in for a landing, the wheels touch down and bounce up again, sometimes one wheel before the other until both wheels are firmly on the ground and balanced enough to sustain the momentum of the plane.
And though technically we are grounding this new perceptual reality into the earth, the Pleiadians describe what we are going thru using a space shuttle analogy. They say that before the shuttle can blast off into space, it must first test each combustion engine and go through rigorous diagnostics to ensure that the engines can sustain the propulsion of the flight. That this pre-launch testing is what we are currently undergoing in our personal lives as we prepare for lift-off, and for the rest of February we will be testing our new reality and finishing any calibrations needed to match our new frequency from the many shifts we were knocked out with over the last 3 months.
Reintegrating into Society
If we re-enter the world prematurely (without our hearts reconnected), its pretty easy to notice how far removed we can feel from the mass consciousness, or the "typical ways of thinking". For so many years our deepest conversation with the outside world may have been..."thank you for bagging"....and now suddenly we need to learn to connect, communicate and interact with others as an integral part of society.
And for many, this is the point.
Now that we have mastered our inner domicile, our next level journey begins by living in the real world, with real people, doing real things. Pretty tricky when you've fully developed your own way of thinking and seeing the world... and nearly developed your own language for describing it. But for all you bridgers out there, this is your next level J-O-B...to live authentically.
How will this even be possible?
If this question has crossed your mind, then rest assured it's already happening for you. We just have to remember that manifestation begins with a thought, is followed by a feeling and the last to align is always the physical. Right now are between the mental (the thoughts of reemerging) and emotional (the feelings of anticipation) but the physical is still not clear to us yet...tho we can feel that it is rapidly approaching. When it all comes together, we will feel much safer and more supported to be outwardly true to ourselves...regardless of where we are or what we are doing.
The feeling of uncertainty from moving forward but not yet seeing the outer landscape of where we are heading can create anxiety and restlessness, but soon we will be able to see what's in store for us with greater clarity. Since the recent eclipses, our outer world is now rapidly adjusting to the new energies to set the physical foundation of whats to come...tho in a random and non-linear fashion... which also adds to the anticipation of seeing the physical birth of our long-held intentions for the very first time.
Think With Your (High) Heart!
Though the integration back into society may seem awkward at best, the purpose is for us to practice our mastery in baby steps, to learn thru experience how to relate to others thru the high heart, and not the mind. The High Heart is the gate to higher consciousness, it is based solely in love and therefore supports a life of abundance, joy and fulfillment. Since connecting thru love will be the only way to successfully navigate these new energies, we will most likely receive plenty of graceless opportunities to practice. As always, your heart will lead the way for you.
And as we "get back to living" we will notice that our world is clearly defined vibrationally now, and that the intense purification process we endured was just for this purpose...so we could continually attract the people, places, situations and opportunities that sing harmonically with our souls and to give us the ability to "be in the world, but not of it". It's not as if everyone we encounter will have a solid "mental" understanding of the things we do...as each of our roles will be different... but that we will be attracting those of pure heart.
In our work as bridgers, naturally we will brush up against those steeped in fear and limitation, but this too will serve its purpose in helping us to express ourselves clearly thru the power of our authenticity and without compromising our integrity. Again, this will take practice and commitment, but this is what the next level journey is all about...putting all that we are and all that we've learned into practice!
Next Up?
With the new moon on February 13th and the advent of the Chinese New Year (the year of the metal tiger) we will be experiencing another momentous shift into our greater reality. With great celestial support now in our favor, the energy of success and opportunity literally surrounds us in a comforting blanket of security as we prepare for the completion of our rebirth and arrive at the entrance of our physical new beginnings.
We have waited an eternity for the right time/energy and alignments to launch us into our next level journey. That time has arrived and our success is assured!
The big question is...what will that success look like?
See you when the fog clears....
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